Digitalization of Circular Economy for Innovative SMEs
DigiCirc MOOC
Welcome to DigiCirc MOOC
DigiCirc is a European funded project that enable the digitalization of Circular Economy by supporting SMEs circular innovation in three strategic domains: Circular Cities, Blue Economy, Bioeconomy.
Open calls for each domain were launched to select 45 consortia of SMEs. The selected consortia took part in one of the three acceleration programs, run by innovation support experts, to transform validated concepts into robust business models towards a commercial launch.
DigiCirc Open Courses enable the dissemination of the contents developed for the three acceleration programs. Each course is dedicated to a specific innovative domain: from production methodologies to business strategies, towards marketing, communication and CSR. Each module is made of 5 units that deepen a specific topic through a variety of short videos and educational material.
In detail, this MOOC features 17 courses developed by 10 DigiCirc partners:
- Thematic Innovation Talk (Cap Digital, CTNaval and Digipolis)
- Lean Start-up Methodology (Inspiring Culture Association)
- Systemic Design (Politecnico di Torino)
- Business Model Consolidation (Officine Innovazione)
- Market and Consumer Analysis (Officine Innovazione)
- Team Building and Partnering (F6S)
- MVP Development (Officine Innovazione)
- Commercial Launch Strategy (Officine Innovazione)
- Advanced Pitching Skills (FastTrack Action)
- IP Support (Arthur's Legal)
- Access to Capital (FastTrack Action)
- System Dynamics (Politecnico di Torino)
- Resources Management (CLMS)
- Business & Financial Planning (Officine Innovazione)
- Internationalization (Inspiring Culture Association)
- Ethics and Social Responsibility (Inspiring Culture Association)
- Communication and Marketing (F6S)